All News

Panel: Reporting on Immigration

December 3, 2017

Tuesday, Dec 5, 5:30PM–7:30 PM, WHYY Inc, 150 North 6th Street

From travel bans and border walls to the Dream Act, immigration has been one of 2017’s most intensely reported stories. With so much focus on this complex issue, how are people who consider themselves immigrants in the US affected? How do reporters go into often unfamiliar communities to tell stories that are inclusive and impartial?

WHYY and Al-Bustan will bring together reporters and residents from local immigrant communities to discuss how news reporting helps shape how immigrants and immigration are viewed. Both groups will share personal stories of immigration reporting and discuss the impact on the community when the media gets things wrong, and when they get it right. Panelists and audience members will also explore key ways to get impartial input on the topic of immigration and what reporters can do to gain a community’s trust.

This event is free and open to the public. For more information and to register for the event, please visit

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