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Staff Members Recognized by President Cassidy and Senior Staff

April 7, 2016

Twelve staff members were recently recognized at Coffee Hour by President Kim Cassidy and the senior staff for their extraordinary contributions.

Recognized for their selfless decision to stay on campus overnight during the snow storm in January were Dining Services staff members:

  • Ray Bevidas
  • Tyrone Briley
  • Shana Fountain
  • Karen Hickman
  • Wycliffe Laud
  • Michael Winston
  • Maly Nhek
  • Steven Sensenich
  • Arthur Taylor

Nancy Brokaw of College Communications and Nancy Schmucker of the Alumnae Association were recognized for the work they have done as the Interim Editor and Managing Editor, respectively, of the alumnae Bulletin

And Ann Eccles from admissions was recognized for her role in processing the more than 3,000 applications the College received this year.