Updating Your Information
BiONiC has undergone an upgrade.
What is Bio/Demo Information?
In BiONiC, ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ stores information about you: your address, your home phone, and your emergency contacts are all examples of Bio(graphical) and Demo(graphic) information. If you ever have to change any of the following information, the Bio Form in BiONiC is the place to do it.
- Preferred Name
- Phone Numbers (cell, home)
- Home Address
- Off Campus Address (if you live off campus and it is different from your home address)
- Emergency Contacts
- Ethnicity
- Parent/Guardian Information (so they receive emails about your graduation or other college announcements)
- Tax Form Electronic Delivery (1098-T)
There are a few things you can't change yourself, including:
- Primary Name (this is your legal name)
- Gender
If you have had a legal name change or a gender change since you were admitted and you want to change that in BiONiC (which changes it on your transcript, College ID, and tax forms), see this page for more information.
How to Update Bio/Demo Information
To update the Bio/Demo data listed above, there is a form available in BiONiC. There are several pages of information on this form. You must continue through all screens by clicking "Next>>" before you have the option to save. Changes are not made until the end when you click save and confirm the information is correct. See this pdf for instructions.
Confirm Personal Details
(this page appears for all students when they first logon to Bionic each semester)
Tabs 1-7: Review and confirm the personal information available on each tab and click Confirm to confirm and advance to the next tab. Students must have at least one emergency contact and "primary contact" must be checked.
Tabs 8-10: Review and Grant Permission or Accept each section as applicable. You must select either "Grant Permission" or "I do not Grant Permission" for the first two questions. Then you must read and agree to the acknowledgement of responsibility by clicking on the checkbox at the bottom.
Tab 11: Complete Task: you must click Submit to complete the task and return to Bionic.
You are done! You can update any of this information at any time.
Contact Us
Office of the Registrar
101 N. Merion Ave.
÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5142
Fax: 610-526-5139