Information Stewardship Council
The mission of the ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ Information Stewardship Council (ISC) is to improve our information stewardship practices and reduce our security risk profile through multi-pronged educational, practical, and technological means that the Council endorses and supports for the campus community.
At ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ as at all higher education institutions, we utilize shared networks and systems that enable openness and freedom in how we work. This interdependence creates a greater risk for data breaches or loss. We have an exponentially greater chance of avoiding this, and maintaining smooth operations, only if everyone in the community participates actively in securing credentials, data, and systems.
The ISC brings together representatives from across the College to review information management approaches and investments, and to serve as campus advocates for excellent data handling. The ISC facilitates progress in critical areas of information security and stewardship that support the continuity of academic and institutional work on campus and with colleagues and collaborators globally.
The ISC plays an important role in identifying institutional risks, assessing risk mitigation strategies, recommending measures to improve information stewardship and security, and facilitating the implementation of those measures. We take a holistic approach to self-audit: Where are we handling data and managing security risks effectively? Where do we see significant areas of risk that are worth addressing? How do we ensure compliance with data privacy regulations? How should we audit our progress toward improved information stewardship and reduced security risk? How are we managing and preserving digital assets of enduring value to the institution?
We focus on improvement along the full spectrum of information stewardship and security activities—identification, prevention, detection, response, and recovery—emphasizing the shift from response and recovery from data security breaches, to detection and prevention of risk. The ISC supports a robust Information Security and Stewardship Education program for staff, faculty, students, and affiliates of the College.
The overall goal is to create the appropriate balance of maintaining ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥â€™s open academic community ethos while optimizing our data handling to minimize financial and reputational risk for the institution.
1. The CIO and Director of Libraries chairs the ISC and has ultimate responsibility for forming the agenda and enabling progress for ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ in areas of information security and stewardship.
2. The Director of Information Security and Data Privacy Officer serves ex officio as a standing co-chair of the ISC and supports the CIO and Director of Libraries in planning for, and facilitation of, the ISC.
3. The CIO and Director of Libraries takes nominations from the body of the Council each year and identifies a second ISC co-chair from a non-LITS area of the College to serve on the leadership team for the ISC. This co-chair role is a one-year rotating position, potentially renewable. This co-chair is responsible for assisting the CIO and Director of Libraries in forming the agenda for each meeting, for coordinating the annual program of data weeding events for the campus, and for supporting ISC work throughout the year.
4. Information Stewardship Council will be comprised of representatives from key administrative and academic areas to ensure broad awareness of, and compliance with, ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥â€™s information stewardship policies and practices. Representatives will include Senior Staff members (ex officio) and appropriate staff, faculty, and student representatives, including data stewards from across the major divisions of the College (Alumnae/i Relations and Development, Communications, Dean’s Office, Enrollment, Finance and Administration, LITS, Provost’s Office), as well as specific representation in key roles (College Archivist, Institutional Research, Registrar). Staff representatives from each division will be identified by the appropriate senior staff member and will serve one-year renewable terms. Faculty representatives will include members of the Committee on Libraries, Information, and Computing (CLIC), ex officio, and a representative from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Student representatives will be identified by the Chair in coordination with the Self-Government Association Executive Board, the Dean of Graduate Studies, and the Dean of the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research.
5. The Council will meet at least two times per year and will collaborate remotely between meetings to plan agendas and make progress on shared initiatives. Working groups will form as needed to focus on particular topics or projects.
6. The President of the College and division heads will review and approve proposed changes to College policies or practices recommended by the ISC.
ISC Membership (2024-25)
Alumnae/i Relations and Development:
- Sarah Conner-Smith, Senior Director of Strategic Engagement (past co-chair)
- Ann Diaz-Barriga, Senior Director of ARD Services
- Mary DiMarino, Senior Director of ARD Analytics and Strategy
- Bob Miller, Chief Alumnae Relations and Development Officer (ex officio)
College Counsel:
- Susan Kraus, Interim College Counsel (ex officio)
- Amanda Coltri, Associate Director of Web Strategy and Content
- Samara Sit, Chief Communications Officer (ex officio)
Computer Science:
- David Diaz, Systems Administrator/Lab Coordinator
Dean of the Undergraduate College:
- Richard Gebauer, Dean of Student Success
- Tomiko Jenkins, Dean of Student Life
- Beth Kotarski, Medical Services Director
- Katie Krimmel, Associate Dean, Career & Civic Engagement Center
- Cheryl Lynn Horsey, Chief Enrollment Officer (ex officio)
- Kirsten O'Beirne, Registrar (past co-chair)
- Nichole Reynolds, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
- Joanne Sullivan, Dean of Financial Aid
- ISC Chair liaises regularly with Committee on Libraries, Information, and Computing (CLIC) and CLIC Members participate ex officio
- Marc Schulz, Professor of Psychology on the Sue Kardas PhD 1971 Professorship and Director of Data Science
Finance & Administration:
- Mike Johnson, HRIS Manager
- Sakinah Rahman, Director of Administrative Services
- Tijana Stefanovic, Interim Chief Financial Officer and Chief Administrative Officer (ex officio)
- Patricia Szybowski, Assistant Controller for Disbursements
Graduate School of Arts & Sciences:
- Xuemei May Cheng, Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor of Physics (ex officio)
- Abby Traucht, Programs Administrator and Assistant to the Dean
Graduate School of Social Work & Social Research:
- Peggy Robinson, Center Director for Professional Development and HSV Certifying Officer
- Janet Shapiro, Dean of the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (ex officio)
- Michelle Talbert-Horsey, Assistant Dean for Administration
- Sue Witherite, Program Administrator and Assistant to the Dean
Library and Information Technology Services:
- Jessica Bright, Digital Collections & Metadata Librarian
- Melissa Cresswell, Senior Project Director for Next-Generation ERP Implementation
- Darron Daniels, Director of Information Security
- Katie Feno, Interim Director for Client Engagement and Planning
- Zack Leach, Senior Manager of Infrastructure and Systems
- Allison Mills, College Archivist
- Vince Patone, Director of Enterprise Data, Systems and Interfaces
- Elizabeth Roan, Executive Assistant to the CIO & Director of Libraries (staffing the ISC)
- Jennifer Spohrer, Interim Chief Information Officer and Constance A. Jones Director of Libraries (chair, ex officio)
- David Sturgis, Director of Administrative Information Systems
- Bonnie Wei, Interim Manager for Client Support and Education
President’s Office:
- Richard Barry, Director of Institutional Research (past co-chair)
- Millie Bond, Senior Advisor for External Relations and Secretary of the College (ex officio)
- Shannon Kearns, Senior Advisor for Operational and Administrative Strategic Initiatives (ex officio)
- Jeanine Molock, Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning and Assessment
Provost’s Office:
- Cristina Fink, Athletics Director & Chair of Physical Education
- Abby Gilman, Research Grants and Compliance Manager
- Tim Harte, Provost and Professor of Russian (ex officio)
- Sarah Robertson, Director of Sponsored Research (co-chair)
- Beth Shepard-Rabadam, Associate Provost for Administration
- Undergraduate Representative
- Lindsey Norton, Graduate Student Representative
Last updated 9/3/2024

Contact Us
Library and Information Technology Services
Canaday Library
101 N Merion Ave
÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥, Pennsylvania 19010
Office of the CIO: