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Job Opportunity: Fellowship at PULSE (Pittsburgh Urban Leadership Service Experience)

April 18, 2016

Apply by Wednesday, June 1

Are you a senior currently searching for something to do after graduation? Join PULSE for a year of service and leadership with a Pittsburgh nonprofit!

PULSE is a program which provides college graduates with a year of service and leadership at a Pittsburgh nonprofit. The components of the program are: a 35 hour per week internship at a Pittsburgh nonprofit, intentional community living with other fellows, and personal and professional development.

PULSO covers the costs of these components, as well as fellows’ food and public transportation expenses. Additionally, a personal stipend of $80 per month is provided to fellows.

This year, the fellowship will run from August 28th, 2016 to July 28th, 2017.

Interested graduates should apply by Wednesday, June 1.

Questions? Contact Jonnett Maurer (

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